Password Manager

How do I request credentials from a client to be stored in Password Manager?

To request credentials from a client, click the “Request Credentials” button on the upper right-hand corner of the page. 

To request credentials from a client, click the “Request Credentials” button on the upper right-hand corner of the page. 

A popup screen will appear with “Request Credentials from Client” as the title.

Add the Site Name, URL for the credentials you are requesting, and assignee for the request using the drop-down menu. Once you have filled in the required information click the “Request Credentials” button.

A task will be created and the assignee will be notified via email that you are requesting credentials. You will also see a yellow banner appear on the top of the Password Manager homepage, as well as “Credentials Requested” next to the credential card.

Note: Partner Admin and Partner Ops users can request or add credentials.