Standard Monthly Report Package

Standard Monthly Report Package

A Standard Monthly Report Package PDF will be provided on or before the closing due date

A Standard Monthly Report Package PDF will be provided on or before the closing due date, as follows: 


Report Type

Cash Basis Clients

Accrual Basis Clients

Balance Sheet by Month Comparison [YTD]

Profit and Loss by Month Comparison [YTD]

Statement of Cash Flows for the [Month Day, Year]

Profit and Loss by Class/Department/Project [YTD}

(If applicable under Advanced) 

A/R Aging Summary as of [Month Day, Year]

A/P Aging Summary as of [Month Day, Year]  ❌

Additional Information

  • Amounts will be rounded to the nearest dollar. 

  • Reports will be run based on the Accounting method set in the GL. 

  • If the partner provides all required information on or before the close cutoff date, or if the Partner has not communicated any required information as of the close due date:

    • A portal task will be assigned to the main Point of Contact (POC) on or before the close due date to notify the partner that the books have been closed as per the scope of services 

    • Partner is responsible for regeneration of reports for the same period thereafter; where required

    • If the partner opts out of reporting for a client, the month end close task will be created with no reports

  • If the partner provides required information after the close cutoff date, but before the close due date:

    • Up to 1 business day will be added to the close due date for each business day overdue to close the books and post the portal task with linked reports, if applicable.

    • Reprinting of the management report due to post period adjusting entries is out of scope and will be a responsibility of the firm.