
What is the difference between the Upload & Save and Upload & Complete buttons seen in some portal tasks?

Deciding which button to use depends on whether you have satisfied all actions requested in the task.

When actioning a task in the Work module you may be presented with two buttons: 

  • Upload & Save
  • Upload & Complete

This article will help you understand how each button works and why you may be inclined to pick one over the other.

The Upload & Complete button allows you to upload the requested document(s) to your client’s portal as well as automatically mark the task as completed. This button should be used when you are confident that you have fully satisfied the action requested in the task. Using this button will update the Task Status from To-Do to Done.

The Upload & Save button allows you to upload the requested document(s) to the task, but not upload the document to the pre-mapped location within the Documents module. This button should be used when you have not fully satisfied the action requested in the task, but want to be made aware that the task is actively being worked. Using this button will update the Task Status from To-Do to In-Progress.