
What kind of file types can I upload to Botkeeper?

Comprehensive List of Supported File Formats


When using Botkeeper, users have the flexibility to upload a variety of file types to ensure smooth documentation and bookkeeping processes. This article outlines each of the supported file types and provides a brief description of each.

List of Supported File Types:

    • CSV (.csv)
      CSV stands for "Comma Separated Values." This format stores tabular data, such as spreadsheet or database contents, with data typically separated by commas. It's easily exported into various software platforms, including most spreadsheet applications like Microsoft Excel.

    • DOC (.doc)
      DOC is the file extension for word processing documents primarily associated with Microsoft Word. It's commonly used for reports, letters, and other text-based documents.

    • DOCX (.docx)
      DOCX is a modernized version of the DOC format, introduced with Microsoft Word 2007, offering a more compact file size and enhanced external source integration.

    • DOT (.dot)
      DOT files are template files created by Microsoft Word, providing a foundation for new documents with predefined settings and layouts.

    • JPEG (.jpeg)
      JPEG stands for "Joint Photographic Experts Group". It's a widely used method of lossy compression for digital images, especially for digital photography.

    • JPG (.jpg)
      JPG is synonymous with JPEG, often adopted for digital photos, web graphics, and email due to its balance between file size and quality.

    • PDF (.pdf)
      PDF, or "Portable Document Format", is used to present and exchange documents with a consistent appearance, regardless of software, hardware, or operating systems.

    • PNG (.png)
      PNG, or "Portable Network Graphics", is a raster graphics format supporting lossless data compression, primarily used for web images and software applications.

    • TXT (.txt)
      TXT files are standard text documents, housing unformatted text. They're widely used for notes, instructions, and other text-based information.

    • WBK (.wbk)
      WBK files are backup documents generated by Microsoft Word, serving as a safety copy for the original document.

    • WIZ (.wiz)
      WIZ files, or wizard files, are utilized by Microsoft Word. They contain macros and instructions to guide users through specific tasks in the software.

    • XLS (.xls)
      XLS is the principal file format for Microsoft Excel, storing information in tabular form with rows and columns.

    • XSLX (.xlsx)
      XSLX is the updated file format for Microsoft Excel, introduced with Excel 2007, offering additional features and a default setting for newer Excel versions.

    Botkeeper supports a diverse range of file formats to cater to various documentation and bookkeeping needs. Always ensure that the files you wish to upload are in the appropriate format to guarantee seamless processing. If you encounter issues or need assistance with file uploads, please contact our support team!

    Supported File Naming Conventions

    Botkeeper supports AlphaNumeric naming conventions only.  Please ensure there are no special characters within the file name before trying to upload it to your Portal.  Doing so will prevent the file from being uploaded to Botkeeper.