Smart Connect

Why can I get statements for some institutions and not for others?

Statements are available for many institutions, but not all institutions are supported.

Statements are available for many institutions, but not all institutions are supported. If you have an institution that allows Botkeeper to pull the month end statements, but have not seen a statement appear in your client’s Smart Connect module, please ensure that the account is set up with Paperless statements enabled with their Financial Institution.  If this is disabled, Botkeeper will not be able to pull the statement within Smart Connect. 

If everything has been enabled within the financial institution, the “Bank Statements” section may appear differently depending on the version that has been enabled for your firm. .

There are 3 ways this information could be displayed in your client’s Smart Connect module.  Below are examples of all three ways this might be represented:

  • Not Supported
  • Version 1
  • Version 2

Institution not supported:

Institution supported & statements available (V1):

Institution supported & statements available (V2):