Transaction Manager

Why don’t I see my payee or category listed in Transaction Manager?

It's there, but you might need to type it in if it doesn't surface with the alphabetized listings.

If the payee and/or category you are looking for exists within your client’s general ledger, they will appear in your payee or category dropdown list in Transaction Manager. To ensure optimal performance, we have limited the number of payees’ and/or categories that appear in the dropdown list to the first 100. If your payee or category name is outside the first 100 listed, then you have the option to type in the payee or category name in the respective dropdown list.  This delimit what it returns to only those that match your entered details.

The logic to display the first 100 payees in the dropdown list is alphabetical by payee name.  

The logic to display the first 100 categories in the dropdown list is first by alphabetical category and then by alphabetical category name.