Angelina DeLago

Angelina DeLago is a Co-Founder & VP of Strategy and Innovation at Botkeeper.

3 Great Techniques for Your Financial Statement Analysis

4 min read

3 Great Techniques for Your Financial Statement Analysis

It is always a great time for analyzing financials statements, to get a feel for just how well your company performed in the past year. While “financial statement analysis” sounds a bit intimidating, it really just means looking over the company’s...

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2 min read

Disruption Is Imminent: Automated Accounting

Accounting, at the end of the day, is about just one thing—accurate information. When accounting—and the bookkeeping that supports it—offers accurate...

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2 min read

Google AI Defeats Korean Legend In Go Battle

No, I am not talking about Pokemon Go. Sorry to those following the new flavor of the week. I am talking about the game ‘Go’, which originated in...

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2 min read

Avoid Playing Catch-Up with These Daily-Do’s for Bookkeeping

Bookkeeping is a never-ending chore. Just when you think you have a handle on this responsibility, you fall behind for a day or two and the paperwork...

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2 min read

Recording Revenue In QuickBooks

QuickBooks is one of the most-popular pieces of accounting software in the world and for good reason. For small business owners, QuickBooks provides...

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